Care at Home

We understand that moving individuals away from their familiar environment and communities may be unsettling. We provide dedicated staff to work with individuals at the comfort of their homes to promote patient-centered care and independence while enhancing optimal functioning as well as active participation in their community.

Our services are based on best practices provided by passionate, competent and compassionate staff focused on clients’ assessed needs. Our personal care tasks include • Getting up and going to bed services • Assistance with dressing and undressing • Daily personal care • Meal/Diet support • Continence management • Catheter care • Colostomy/stoma care • Prevention and management of pressure area • Shopping services • Domestic support.

Looking For Experienced Health Care Assistants? 

If you are an employer who is looking for experienced health care assistants or support worker, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can help. 

What Next? 

If you have any questions call today on: 0151 476 5697 to find out more. 

Don’t see what you need here? Contact our Team for a tailored support service
Call Us : 0151 476 5697