As an employer, you must give your staff a ‘written statement of main terms’ from the first day they start work for you. If you fail to give your employees this information, they could raise a grievance against you and even take you to an employment tribunal. So don’t risk costly claims. Protect yourself and your business with NatNolan HR we can help.

Our contracts are written individually for each client. We include your branding and incorporate the personality of the organisation. We will advise you on standard clauses but we will also guide you in additional clauses that you may wish to include and we will explain why.

We will also provide you with a support booklet to accompany your contract. If you then forget why a certain clause is included, you can refer to the booklet to see why.

We write contracts for many employment and worker situations including:

  • Full and part-time employment contracts
  • Fixed term employment contracts
  • Zero hours contracts
  • Consultancy agreements
  • Casual worker contracts
  • Self-employed contractor agreement
  • Apprentice contract and agreements

The cost of your contract will depend on the complexity and how many clauses you wish to include. We will offer you a free, no obligation, review of your existing documents and can then provide you with a quote for a new contract.

To Speak to us about any of our outsourced HR services give us a call on 0151 476 5697 or contact us online.


Did you know some businesses hire staff without written contracts?

Most don’t do it twice… Not having contracts for your employees is a huge business risk. You could even be breaking the law.

And if your employment contracts aren’t written correctly, you could face payments of up to £95,000 if an employee dispute goes to a tribunal.

Luckily, you don’t need to retrain as a legal expert. And you definitely don’t need to hire an ad-hoc solicitor who seems to charge you by the word…

Here are examples of some of the areas that many clients detail in their contracts:

  • Overtime – when is it paid, to whom, how it is calculated, is it paid during annual leave, is it compulsory, who approves it, how to claim
  • Holidays – do you shut down at Christmas and how do you deal with annual leave over that period, how much notice do you want from people requesting holiday, does the company want to specify when someone can take holiday (and when they can’t)?
  • Do you want the right to require staff to work at multiple locations, or on a shift pattern? What about part timers and annual leave?
  • Including the right not to offer work (‘temporary layoff’) is popular
  • What about flexible working hours and duvet days?
  • Paid leave – what if someone needs time off for bereavement, for example?
  • Bonus and commission – should these be included in your contract?
  • Working time directive – daily breaks, weekly hours and rest periods
  • Child friendly leave?
  • Garden leave, pay in lieu of notice, restrictions after employment

How do we do it?

It’s up to you. We can work completely remotely from an extensive questionnaire, or talk through your needs and ask the questions that will give us the information we need. Once we have all of the information we need, we can produce your bespoke template to use over and over again.

We will continue to work with you until you are entirely happy that the final documentation suits your business and you.

Contract and Handbook Service

A contract is most effective when used with a comprehensive employee handbook. Ask us to produce both of these documents for you and receive a 10% discount.

Contract of Employment
